
These are the academic research papers I published during my PhD.

On Implicit Program Constructs

Ph.D. Thesis, September 2019.


Session types are a well-established approach to ensuring protocol conformance and the absence of communication errors such as deadlocks in message passing systems.

Implicit parameters, introduced by Haskell and popularised in Scala, are a mechanism to improve program readability and conciseness by allowing the programmer to omit function call arguments, and have the compiler insert them in a principled manner at compile-time. Scala recently gave implicit types first-class status (implicit functions),yielding an expressive tool for handling context dependency in a type-safe manner.

DOT (Dependent Object Types) is an object calculus with path-dependent types and abstract type members, developed to serve as a theoretical foundation for the Scala programming language. As yet, DOT does not model all of Scala’s features, but a small subset. Among those features of Scala not yet modelled by DOT are implicit functions.

We ask: can type-safe implicit functions be generalised from Scala’s sequential set-ting to message passing computation, to improve readability and conciseness of message passing programs? We answer this question in the affirmative by generalising the concept of an implicit function to an implicit message, its concurrent analogue, a programming language construct for session-typed concurrent computation.

We explore new applications for implicit program constructs by integrating them into four novel calculi, each demonstrating a new use case or theoretical result for implicits.

Firstly, we integrate implicit functions and messages into the concurrent functional language LAST, Gay and Vasconcelos’s calculus of linear types for asynchronous sessions. We demonstrate their utility by example, and explore use cases for both implicit functions and implicit messages.

We integrate implicit messages into two pi calculi, further demonstrating the robust-ness of our approach to extending calculi with implicits. We show that implicit messages are possible in the absence of lambda calculus, in languages with concurrency primitives only, and that they are sound not only in binary session-typed computation, but also in multi-party context.

Finally we extend DOT to include implicit functions. We show type safety of the resulting calculus by translation to DOT, lending a higher degree of confidence to the correctness of implicit functions in Scala. We demonstrate that typical use cases for implicit functions in Scala are typably expressible in DOT when extended with implicit functions.

Links: University of Sussex, British Library

Dependent Object Types with Implicit Functions

Scala Symposium, 2019.

Abstract DOT (Dependent Object Types) is an object calculus with path-dependent types and abstract type members, developed to serve as a theoretical foundation for the Scala programming language. As yet, DOT does not model all of Scala’s features, but a small subset. We present the calculus DIF (DOT with Implicit Functions), which extends the set of features modelled by DOT to include implicit functions, a feature of Scala to aid modularity of programs. We show type safety of DIF, and demonstrate that the generic programming focused use cases for implicit functions in Scala are also expressible in DIF.

Link: ACM

Asynchronous Sessions with Implicit Functions and Messages (with M. Berger, Extended Version)

Science of Computer Programming, 2019.

Abstract Session types are a well-established approach to ensuring protocol conformance and the absence of communication errors such as deadlocks in message passing systems. Haskell introduced implicit parameters, Scala popularised this feature and recently gave implicit types first-class status, yielding an expressive tool for handling context dependencies in a type-safe yet terse way. We ask: can type-safe implicit functions be generalised from Scala's sequential setting to message passing computation? We answer this question in the affirmative by generalising the concept of an implicit function to an implicit message, its concurrent analogue. We present two calculi, each with implicit message passing. The first, IM, is a concurrent functional language that extends Gay and Vasconcelos's calculus of linear types for asynchronous sessions (LAST) with implicit functions and messages. The second, MPIM, is a π-calculus with implicit messages that extends Coppo, Dezani-Ciancaglini, Padovani and Yoshida's calculus of multiparty asynchronous sessions (MPST). We argue, via examples, that these new language features provide utility to the programmer, and prove each system sound by translation into its respective base calculus.

Link: Science Direct

Asynchronous Sessions with Implicit Functions and Messages (with M. Berger, Short Version)

2018 International symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE).

Abstract Session types are a well-established approach to ensuring protocol conformance and the absence of communication errors such as deadlocks in message passing systems. Haskell introduced implicit parameters, Scala popularised this feature and recently gave implicit types first-class status, yielding an expressive tool for handling context dependencies in a type-safe yet terse way. We ask: can type-safe implicit functions be generalised from Scala's sequential setting to message passing computation? We answer this question in the affirmative by presenting the first concurrent functional language with implicit message passing. The key idea is to generalise the concept of an implicit function to an implicit message, its concurrent analogue. Our language extends Gay and Vasconcelos's calculus of linear types for asynchronous sessions (LAST) with implicit functions and messages. We prove the resulting system sound by translation into LAST.

Link: University of Sussex